
Meningitis ACWY Vaccination in Milton Keynes

Bed Bugs in Hotels – A Growing Problem

There has been an increase in bedbugs reported in hotel rooms. This seems to be a growing problem in both the UK and the rest of the world as ...

Vitamin D Blood Test

Understanding Vitamin B12: Why It Matters and How to Keep Your Levels Up

Have you ever felt unusually tired, weak, or a bit foggy-headed? There could be many reasons for these feelings, but one common cause is a low level of Vitamin ...

Do You Know The Most Common Food Allergens?

In the UK, there are 14 food allergens that are recognised as the most common ingredients that can cause allergic reactions.  Food businesses must tell customers if any food ...

5 Top Tips for Building a Wellbeing Routine

Sometimes life can feel overwhelming and like it’s passing us by, you want to feel like you’re in the driver’s seat instead of watching the cars. If things are ...

5 Top Tips for Helping Your Child Regulate Their Emotions

You’re stood with your child who is suddenly very emotional. They’re struggling to calm down, in fact they seem to be getting more heightened, and despite your best efforts, ...

Allergy and Intolerance Testing

At Makewell we know that both allergies and food intolerances can significantly impact your daily life, causing multiple symptoms from mild discomfort to life-threatening allergic reactions. If you are ...

3 Vital Signs that Your Child May Have ADHD

Exciting and Informative blogs coming soon!

How to Calm Anxiety and Stress: 3 Strategies

Exciting and informative blogs coming soon!