adhd assessment milton keynes

ADHD Assessments for Adults and Children (5+)

In short:

  • Once you decide Makewell is right for you:
  • Complete and return your self referral form (available at the bottom of this page)
  • Within 2 weeks of receiving this we will offer you your appointment (6-8wks waiting list)
  • You will receive paperwork that needs completing before your appointment (via email)
  • Payment will need to be made before we see you
  • Attend your appointment(s)
  • Within a week of your last appointment, you should receive your outcome by phone
  • We will contact you after you have received your outcome to discuss next steps / support
  • You will receive your final report within 8 weeks of your final appointment

At any point during this process, if things feel overwhelming, please contact us to allow us to support you.

Are You Looking for a Private ADHD Assessment?

Are you looking for ADHD Assessments in Milton Keynes? This ADHD Assessment offers a comprehensive service to assess and treat children and adults for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders.

We believe in the value of face to face assessments and would love to welcome you to our stunning clinic in Milton Keynes. We can provide ADHD assessments online if that is your preferred option too.

If an ADHD diagnosis is made, medication may be deemed suitable. We have a team of prescribers who can give you a private prescription.

We are also a registered Pharmacy so we can dispense the medication for you.

Get started straight away by downloading, completing and returning a self-referral form (see bottom of this page)

Our Approach to ADHD Assessment for Adults and Children

Our ADHD assessments are conducted by a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to understanding the unique needs of each patient. We take a holistic approach, considering not only the symptoms but also the impact of ADHD on various aspects of their lives, such as relationships, education, and employment.

For children, or any combined Autism and ADHD assessments, our ADHD assessments are tailored to their developmental stage. They must be completed in person as we feel you and the clinician get the most out of the assessment process. We will assess symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, and also consider any co-occurring conditions that may be present. Our goal is to provide a clear diagnosis and help develop an individualized treatment plan that may include therapy, medication, or a combination of both.

There are a number of questionnaires that we will require patients (and their parents and teachers if a child) to complete prior to being seen by one of our clinicians.

Our aim is to make your time with us at Makewell as smooth and comfortable and possible. From plenty of free parking, to 12 acres of beautiful grounds to walk around in your breaks, our team are here to look after you as a family. You could have the opportunity to meet some of our Makewell horses too.

What to Expect After Your ADHD Assessment

You may receive your results on the day but all cases are reviewed by our Multidisciplinary panel on a weekly basis and you can expect an outcome after that.

Please note some pre-assessments may be required.

Your report can take up to 8 weeks post assessment.

If you start on medication, once you are stable, we would discuss a shared care agreement with your GP with a view to taking over your prescriptions on the NHS.

We use the QB check and DIVA as part of our ADHD assessments.

Get Started On Your Journey To Better Health

If you or your loved one requires an assessment in Milton Keynes, MakeWell Health and Wellness Clinic is here to help. Our experienced team of healthcare professionals will guide you through the process, providing compassionate care and evidence-based treatments.

NICE Guidance

We follow NICE guidelines.

ADHD Assessment Prices

Adults £995

Children £1295

Our fee includes:

*all pre assessment work required

*comprehensive assessment using gold standard assessment tools

*review by our multidisciplinary team

*bespoke report

*letters to GP and schools as required

We offer dual Autism & ADHD assessments in Milton Keynes if in doubt about which is appropriate. The cost for this combined assessment is £2400.

If you are interested to book you can either:

  • Contact us (button below) and we will get back to you with more details and the opportunity to ask any questions


  • Download, complete and return the appropriate self-referral form below (adults are 18yrs +)

Contact us

Self Referral Form (Adult)

Self Referral Form (Child)

Once the Makewell team receive your referral form they will be in touch, usually within 7 working days, to discuss your referral further or to offer you an assessment date. The date(s) offered are likely to be between 4 – 8 weeks from when we receive your form.