Wellman Blood Test

Understanding Vitamin B12: Why It Matters and How to Keep Your Levels Up

Understanding Vitamin B12: Why It Matters and How to Keep Your Levels Up

30 / May

Have you ever felt unusually tired, weak, or a bit foggy-headed? There could be many reasons for these feelings, but one common cause is a low level of Vitamin B12. Let’s dive into what Vitamin B12 is, why it’s important, and how you can make sure you’re getting enough of it.


What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a crucial nutrient that helps keep your body’s nerve and blood cells healthy. It also aids in making DNA, the genetic material in all cells. In simple terms, B12 is essential for keeping your energy levels up and your brain functioning well.



Why Might Someone Have Low B12 Levels?

There are a few reasons why someone might have low levels of B12:

  1. Dietary Choices: Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you might not be getting enough B12 from your diet.
  2. Absorption Issues: Sometimes, your body has trouble absorbing B12. This can happen if you have conditions like pernicious anaemia, Crohn’s disease, or celiac disease.
  3. Age: As we get older, our bodies can become less efficient at absorbing B12.
  4. Medications: Some medications, such as those for acid reflux or diabetes, can interfere with B12 absorption.


How Can You Boost Your B12 Levels?

If you think you might be low on B12, don’t worry! There are easy ways to boost your levels:

  1. Diet: If you eat animal products, try to include more B12-rich foods in your meals. This includes:
    • Meat (especially liver and kidney)
    • Fish and shellfish
    • Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt
    • Eggs

If you’re vegetarian or vegan, you can look for B12-fortified foods such as:


    • Plant-based milk (like soy or almond milk)
    • Breakfast cereals
    • Nutritional yeast
  1. Supplements: B12 supplements are widely available and come in various forms, including pills, capsules, and even gummies. There are also B12 shots or nasal sprays for those who have trouble absorbing the vitamin through their digestive system. Always follow the dosage instructions on the label or as advised by your GP, Pharmacist or healthcare professional.


Should I Get Tested For B12 and What Tests Are Available at Makewell?

If you’re feeling symptoms like extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin, or tingling in your hands and feet, it might be a good idea to get your B12 levels checked. At Makewell we have a range of blood tests measure your B12 levels starting at just £75.

  • Vitamin B12 – £75
  • Advanced Vitamin B12 Test – £125
  • Advanced Well Man / Well Woman Test – £195


Vitamin B12 Blood test

A simple blood test to measure your B12 level. Results are usually back within a week.

Advanced Vitamin B12 Blood Test

Includes Platelet count and Mean Platelet Volume which gives an indication of your platelet function. Ferritin, an important protein which stores iron in your cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, folate and B12. This test can be helpful if you want to know more about what might be causing your symptoms or if you already know that your B12 is low and want more information.

Advanced Well Man / Well woman

Or you could choose an advanced Well man / Well woman test to provide you with comprehensive information about your health select the links below for further details.

Advanced Well Man Test

Advanced Well Woman Test

As well as Vitamin B12 this blood test will check your clotting status, liver and kidney function, tell you about your diabetes status and gout risk and provide information about your hormones. The test will also let you know your inflammation and iron status, and measure your red and white blood cells, thyroid hormones along with vitamins minerals and proteins.

We also offer a range of bespoke blood tests so do get in touch with our reception team if you want to know more about these.


Phone: 01908 731293

Email bookings@wemakewell.co.uk

When to Seek Help

If a blood test shows you have low B12 levels, or if you’re experiencing significant symptoms, it’s important to consult with your GP or another medical professional. They can help you determine the best course of action, which might include dietary changes, supplements, or further tests to rule out underlying conditions.

Remember, while it’s possible to boost your B12 levels on your own with diet and over-the-counter supplements, it’s always best to seek professional advice to tailor the approach to your specific needs.


Keeping an eye on your Vitamin B12 levels is a small but important part of maintaining your overall health. By understanding what B12 is, why you might be low, and how to boost your levels, you can keep your energy up and your mind sharp. Whether through diet, supplements, or a visit to your GP, there are plenty of ways to ensure you’re getting enough of this essential nutrient.

Stay healthy and take care!